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  • Baby Steps and Finance

How to fly with a baby?

Updated: Jul 24, 2022

Just yesterday, our family traveled for the first time! We started 5 AM and took a taxi, train, plane and drove to reach Estonia. 10 hours later, we were home! Our daughter was a great little traveler who did not even cry once.

With this experience, we hope to give some tips on how to fly with your little one. M was just a little under three months and is fed breast milk and formula, so take that into account.

1. Feeding. Time your feedings accordingly for take off and landing. Some 15% of babies can get quite serious ear ache at these times, so you should have them swallowing at these times. M was attached to me with a baby seat belt when we took off and landed, so it was the best to give her a bottle. Prepare at least 2 clean bottles (per 2,5 hour plane ride) and prefill them with water (in the Netherlands, tap water is safe to use for these purposes).

If you are feeding formula, pre-measure it into a formula-towers for use and put all the feeding supplies in one bag.

2. Cleaning - bring hand sanitizers for all of you and water-based cleaning wipes for baby and her pacifier (which is for sure going to fall at the most unsuitable moment). We also brought an extra set of clothes for all of us, in case of accidents.

With corona-risk, bring enough face masks (1 per every 3 hours).

3. Airport facilities - Schiphol and Tallinn airport have great changing and baby management facilities that can be found virtually everywhere. At Schiphol, toilets for disabled people also have a changing table. You might want to bring your own (disposable) changing pads if you are very concerned for germs.

You can use an express line for security and boarding when your baby is under 2 years old. Very handy! The baby doesn't go through the metal detector, but they will check her with hands (very gently). We needed to take her out of the baby carrier for that.

4. Baby transport - we flew Air Baltic and could bring one item (such as a stroller or a car seat) plus one checked bag of 10 kg with us. You could check the item in at the baggage area or at the gate. We suggest to bring a comfortable baby carrier that is quick to use for travelling as you have your hands free at all times. A nice bonus is that babies often fall asleep immediately when placed in a carrier.

Have a safe trip!

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