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  • Baby Steps and Finance

Our daughter is 1 year old!

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Time flies!

Important events and developments

1-2 weeks short from her one year birthday, she started pulling herself up to stand when holding on to things. Now she can take a couple of sidesteps and even forward steps (holding on to her toy car).

She still says her 2 words ("kiki" and "aitäh").

She wants to climb on everyone and everything. She is a master on climbing on the couch. She can also climb the stairs (quite scary) and loves to do it (under supervision!).

And of course, M's birthday was celebrated this weekend. With guest spread around according to the rules, we can enjoy many celebrations. She has received a lot of gifts: books, toys, puzzles, bath toys, shoes, clothes. She also got 2 bouquets of flowers and lots of birthday cards. She is loved!


M still gets breast milk in the morning. We are going over to using regular cow milk instead of formula at the moment. I wish to build off the bottle and give all the liquids in a cup - this is a goal for the next weeks.

Furthermore, she gets some store-bought baby food but also more and more of our own food. We are struggling with her dinner time though - she is ready to eat as soon as she gets home from daycare but our own dinner is not ready yet. Therefore, she often gets some baby food that is already ready. We need to make a conscious effort to put a portion ready for her for the next day.


M sleeps from 19 to around 6:45 and has 2 naps at home and 1 at daycare. In total, it adds up to 13-14 hours a day. She still sleeps with the pacifier (the only time she gets the paci) and this will be a goal for the next half a year to wean her from it.

Favourite activities

She has a new favourite book: "Beebi avastab" (Baby Discovers). It has wheels and buttons to move. She also likes to put items into other items and she can do it quite well and stay concentrated on it.

M has discovered a new game - on the bed or couch, she lets herself fall backwards. She is very adventurous and loves being swung, flipped around and done all kinds of tricks with. Her favourite toys at the moment are baby puzzles and all kinds of items she can put items in (a duck in a cup, for example)


6:45 wake-up, change, breastmilk

7:15 breakfast

8:15 off to daycare (on daycare days)

(9:30 first nap - when at home)

10:30 snack

12:00 lunch

12:30 the first and the only nap at daycare /13:30 the second nap at home

15:00 snack

17:30 dinner

19:00 bedtime


We went for a checkup and vaccines today and learned that she weighs 9,22 kg and is 77 cm tall. She wears size 74 now. All the new clothes I've gotten are size 80 to make longer use of them. Unbelievable that she has grown almost 6 kg and 25 cm and gone from size 50 to 74 this year!

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