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  • Baby Steps and Finance

Our daughter is 10 months!

Two more months and we have a child who is one! I can't still believe it!

Important events

M learned to crawl really well. She also makes more different noises. She is looking around attentively and commenting on what is happening around her. When we had construction men over, she carefully observed them and said: "Abua."

This month she got 2 more teeth, sadly again with a fever and a lot of grumpiness. In total, it has been a month with quite a lot of sick days, as she also brought a stomach flu home from daycare. It's OK, it will be good for the immune system in the end...

It was very nice that we got to enjoy the snow, ice on canals and temperature going to as low as -16 degrees for a week. M wasn't too impressed with

snow yet.


She is still getting breastmilk and 3 bottles a day (one smaller in the morning, around 150 ml after lunch and 120-150 ml before bed in the evening). She wasn't too interested in the solids when she was sick, but it seems to be improving now. In general, her eating patterns are the same, but we manage to offer her more of our own foods, such as macaroni. She doesn't want to eat porridge in the morning at the moment, so she gets some yoghurt.


Apart from one unhappy night when she woke up, she has been sleeping from 19 to 7. During the daytime, she sleeps twice (about 1,5-2,5 h per day). We hope that we can keep enjoying sleeping through the night.

Favourite activities

M loves to crawl around the room and pull things off the shelves. At the end of the day, the whole floor is full of her things. She can't concentrate on activities for a long time yet, so it seems that I need to put away some of her toys (such as puzzles with one piece). I bought a second-hand shape sorter this month and showed her how to put a circle through the hole, but she doesn't get it yet.

Her interest in daily things has grown. She likes to look at the oven and how dishes are taken out of and put in the dishwasher.


Her schedule is about the same as last month, but her first nap starts at about 9:30 am, not at 9:00.


She sleeps about 13 h per day during the daycare days, otherwise about 14-15 h. She is going over to size 74, but mainly still wears size 68.

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