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  • Baby Steps and Finance

Our daughter is 9 months!

Time flies by! Our daughter has been out of the womb as long as she was in it now!

Important events

This month has been a big one for M! During the last 2 weeks, she learned to crawl properly (and then went on scooting still as it is faster...), be able to sit up on her own, babble and pull up to her knees. She also got two teeth about 2-3 weeks ago. It was also her first Christmas and New Year in the world. Although we weren't able to be with family due to corona, we had a nice calm Christmas with friends and neighbours. Adjusting with day care has been going well, she is always happy to go there and also to go home. She has been sleeping better at day care.


She eats more solids now and gets around 300-500 ml formula per day and breast milk once. She prefers porridge and purees to our dinner (say, curry with rice). Her favourite is still the kiwi and pancakes.


Finally! She is sleeping consistently through the night (7 pm to 7 am). She has 2 naps, sadly often not longer than 45 to 90 minutes. On my free days, I take her for a run or a walk in the stroller and then she sleeps there, other times in her own bed. Now we just put her to bed and leave and she falls asleep on her own.

At daycare days, she sleeps a little less, about 13-14 hours a day, other days around 14-15 h per day.

We are using the 2-3-4 scheme from the book Baby in een droomritme now and it seems to be working.

Favourite activities

She is on the move all the time. She pulls stuff out of her shelves, looks at her books, pulls herself up, holding on to furniture.


6:45/7:00 morning wake up, breast milk, change and new clothes (during the workweek, M's dad takes her over then)

7:30 breakfast: porridge (+ formula (90+3) if she doesn't eat all the porridge)

8:15 Mon to Thur she goes to daycare

9:00 the first nap (at daycare at 10:00)

10:30 wake up

11:30 lunch: bread with peanut butter, formula (150+5)

13:30 the second nap

15:00 wake up, snack (fruit, corn puff etc), some oat yoghurt when at home

17:15 going home from daycare

18:00 dinner: puree or something we eat

18:30 formula (150+5)

19:00 bedtime


No measurements again but she is still going slowly over to clothes of size 74.

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