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  • Baby Steps and Finance

The first trimester (1st to 13th week)

It's the 19th of August, 2020. Early Monday morning. I'm holding the first positive pregnancy test in my hands. "Our life will change," I think while I'm stepping into the kitchen to fix breakfast for me and my husband. Maybe he will realize that something is up? This is not really a custom to get him breakfast and eat it together before work. "The test is positive," I'm saying. And he smiles. It will all be okay. It's all planned and we are happy. Despite this, it is still a very big change, but we will have the following nine months to adjust to it.

First weeks pass in a bubble of disbelief - will it all go well and is this actually true? My first midwife meeting takes place at the end of the seventh week of pregnancy. At the 10th week, we meet our baby during the first ultrasound. After this, we tell the news to our families. Everyone is happy. At the 11th week, my husband celebrates his birthday and we dare to tell some of the closest friends. The week after we hear about the good results of the NIPT - the fetus doesn't have a higher risk for any of the three screened trisomies. Hearing this news, a big weight drops off my shoulders. Subconsciously, I had still been scared that we might face a sad decision... Now we can tell the news at work and to other friends and relatives. I can't complain about my health this trimester. I have some smaller complaints, such as itchiness, a bit of sickness (6th to 9th week), feeling very thirsty and sleepless. I also develop a sensitiveness to smells. All in all, the first months of pregnancy are very pleasant. It is a bizarre and a special feeling - you carry something very beautiful and tiny with you, but it is at the same time a big secret. No one can see anything from the outside! I haven't consumed alcohol for years, so I also didn't need to explain myself during gatherings. During the first trimester, I work fulltime. At the 12th week, I also start a new intense cycle of my studies. Thankfully, everyone who is involved is very willing to think along and make a plan for the situations that might occur if work and studies won't go perfectly due to my pregnancy. In the end, these plans don't come to use

At the end of this trimester, I dare to buy the first items of clothing for the baby. We receive the first cute gifts. But if someone asks if we are ready for the baby's arrival, my eyes go wide - no, certainly not yet! Thankfully, we still have two trimesters to go!

The first photo: 7+6 weeks

The second photo: 13+1 weeks

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