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The second month of our daughter's life

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

Today I've been a mother for two months... But there are still moments when I can't believe it! I'm a mother?

The second month has been smoother than the first one. We've gotten used to our little family and had time to get to know each other. Our daughter is a little person with her own personality, preferences and wishes. She lets us know about her presence often enough. She loves to look around and discover the world. During this months she's more awake - both mentally and physically - and she knows now how to focus her eyes and mind. M smiles and laughs socially, she can lift her head and loves to talk with us. Her favourite game is hugging with Daddy and Bert the Bunny, but she is also willing to play on her own in her playpen or on a blanket. Then she talks with her teddies or looks at the mobile or books. Our favourite moment is when she sees us first time after waking up and recognises us. She's got the biggest smile in the world! M's favorite moments are taking a nap on top of Mom or Dad or hanging out in a sling (where she falls asleep in 5 minutes). Then she also loves going outside with a stoller (the same effect as the sling). M can now hold her head when she is on her tummy and will do that for a longer time every day. Then we look at books and toys with her. A day before turning 2 months old, she turned from her tummy to her back. I'm trying to do little exercises with her to increase the strength of her muscles.

During this month, she's had a couple of crying fits, when we couldn't tell what's wrong with her. Thankfully she calmed down fairly quickly. M is still breastfed partially, and receives pumped breast milk and formula as a supplement. We've worked a lot on improving the efficiency of breast-feeding and at the moment it looks like that we will focus on her getting at least some breast milk as long as possible. Besides that we also want to keep nursing nice at the same time!

During the last week of the month we started with very light form of sleep training in order to have her sleep in her own bed or in a (not moving) stroller. The playpen is for playing. The first day was very tiring for all of us, but after that it's only going better. During this month also the results of the heel prick came - all is well - and her hearing was tested. She is healthy! M has gained 840 g and grew 4 cm last 4 weeks.

What have I learnt as a mother?

  • That you can read and do as much research as you like, but you still realise that in practice you know next to nothing

  • That patience is a virtue, but when teaching her to fall asleep on her own, I've realised that I don't sadly possess it. Maybe it can be learnt...

  • That your family and friends are irreplaceable. Although we are with just three of us due to corona-circumstances, we still get so much support by our loved ones. Thank you, Skype, Whatsapp, FB Messenger and Google Hangouts!

  • That you need to get out of your house and the parks you walk in every day. This month, I took to drives with her to visit friends and oh, how much better did I feel after that!

  • That it's just such a miracle that we can be the parents of this brand new life. Our hearts have grown at least three sizes after she was born!

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