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  • Baby Steps and Finance

Costs of a toddler from 18 months to 24 months

Yet again, I'm going to write about what we spent on raising our child (you can read my previous posts about this here).

This last half a year we made one big purchase, namely, transferring her baby room into a toddler room with a toddler bed, nightstand, a new wallpaper, carpet, and a few other little things. This cost us 570 euros and this cost will not be included below as it is a one-time cost.

Together with all the other general costs (and excluding the day-care fee), we spent 326 euros on her per month. Versus the 286 euros for 12 to 18 months; 246 euros for 6 to 12 months and 215 euros from 0 to 6 months, it has yet again been an increase. I hope this doesn't keep going on forever :-)

So... Where did all that money go?

  1. Furniture - this is a new first on the list. It has to do with us purchasing her two bookshelves to present books nicely, a new closet, and a play table for Duplo downstairs. These are items we use every day and I do not regret buying them even for a minute.

  2. Clothes - this time, 72 euros per month spent! Still a lot but nothing compared to 137 euros per month in the previous review. I succeeded with my goal to stay under 80 euros a year. Shall we try going under 60 euros? With her being in the size 86-92 for half a year and probably for the next half a year too, this should not be a problem. Right?

  3. Toys - this time, 43 euros versus 31 euros in the previous review. I guess I've slipped with some mommy guilt here for having been away long hours last 3 months. Will try to go down to 30 euros per month from now on. We did get a great huge set of Duplo for sandwich money from the King's day market, so we have a lot to play with!

  4. Books - 42 euros spent per month, which is in the lines of 30-40 euros it has been for the previous 1 year. This is OK by me, as books are super important for us as a family.

  5. Miscellaneous - purchases like a new bike seat (57 euros on Marketplace!) and other random costs.

  6. Activities - she participated in a dance class for some time and went to a sensory play class, to the theatre, and to a concert. All good things :)

  7. Celebration - 21 euros per month went to celebrating Christmas and her second birthday (with cake, friends, and decorations).

  8. Memories - we had a photoshoot for Christmas and that went on our Christmas card.

What will be the goals for the next half a year?

- Spending less than 70 euros on her clothes per month.

- Spending less than 30 euros per month on toys.

- Look into investing options for her, next to her regular saving account.

- Increase the monthly payment to her saving account.

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