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Meie tütar on seitsmekuune!

Tähtsad sündmused See kuu kulges meil koroona tõttu üsnagi koduselt, isegi ujumistunnid olid viimase kahe nädala jooksul tühistatud....

Our daughter is seven months!

Important events Due to strict corona-rules, we spent this month mainly at home and close to home. Even her swimming lessons have been...

Meie tütre kuues elukuu

Palju õnne, M! Sa oled juba poole aasta vanune! Mäletan, kuidas kuulsin Mi esimesel elukuul asjadest, mida saab teha kuue kuu vanuse...

The sixth month of our daughters' life

Congratulations, M! You are already a half a year old! I remember hearing about what a half a year baby can do when she was just under a...

Costs of baby's first 6 months

It is the last day of September, so it is time for an overview of costs for baby from April to September. There were quite some surprises...

The fifth month of our daughters' life

M turned five months old today! Unbelievable! Important events Last month has been quite busy. During the beginning of the month, I tried...

Meie tütre viies elukuu

Täna sai M viie kuu vanuseks! Uskumatu! Tähtsad sündmused Viimane kuu on olnud üsnagi tormiline. Selle alguses proovisin Mi uinakute ajal...

Review: books about sleep

A completely irrelated shelf with some of the baby/pregnancy books I have. As I've written several times, we've been working on getting...

Daily routine with baby

I am a lover of routines and regularity. I'm lucky because babies are like that too! We notice that M really strives on a regular...

The fourth month of our daughter's life

The last month has flown by. While we were in Estonia during her last mini-birthday, then now I'm thinking about this as a dear memory...

Meie tütre neljas elukuu

Viimane kuu on möödunud linnutiivul. Kui eelmise sünnipäeva ajal olime veel Eestis, siis nüüd mõtlen sellele kui kallile mälestusele....

Imetamisest. Ausalt.

Rinnaga toitmine on minu jaoks lapse saamise juures olnud kõige suuremaks kehvaks üllatuseks ja katsumuseks. Teadsin, et kõigil just...

Meie tütre kolmas elukuu

Täna saab M kolmekuuseks. Aeg lendab! Kui ma arvasin enne, et esimene kuu on kõige raskem, siis leidsin tegelikult selle kuu olevat...

The third month of our daughter's life

Today, M turns 3 months old. Time flies by! I figured that the first month might be the hardest, but I found this month quite...

How to fly with a baby?

Just yesterday, our family traveled for the first time! We started 5 AM and took a taxi, train, plane and drove to reach Estonia. 10...

The second month of our daughter's life

Today I've been a mother for two months... But there are still moments when I can't believe it! I'm a mother? The second month has been...

Meie tütre teine elukuu

Täna olen ma kaks kuud ema olnud... Siiski tuleb ette hetki, kui ma seda uskuda ei suuda! Mina ja ema? Teine elukuu on olnud esimesest...

Esileht: Blog2


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